The practice of Intimate Communion with Nature depends on a clear understanding of the intimate relationships between your love to your body, sexual polarity and love for your natural environment.

Love is simply the opening of your heart. When your heart is open, you love whomever, or whatever, is in your life. Love is the union of you and the one you are with.
Love has nothing to do, necessarily, with sex. You can love someone or someone you are not loving. You exist as love when your heart is unguarded and opened, and you close yourself off to love when you guard your heart. This practice encourages you to open your heart and reflect that nature itself is next to our creator in providing us everything we need in our lives from the time of conception until our last breath in our lives.
Male naturism teaches us to be grateful to mother nature by simply giving back our love to her through an intimate communion with nature itself, by recognizing our physicality, sexual polarity and our care for our natural environment.

Sexual polarity—the magnetic pull or repulsion between the Masculine or Feminine—affects all our lives. In just a few moments of sexual polarity can raise your body temperature, cause your face to blush and make your heart pound wanting to be with the person or something that your heart and body desire. Since naturism diverts your carnal desire and attraction to other beings in nature, it teaches us to switch on or off our sexual polarity by focusing it to our own physical gifts and admirable traits.
We must understand that love, romance and sexual polarity are not the same. You can love anyone. You can love everyone. You can love a mountain or a flower, a painting or a stuffed animal. Love is simply when you open your heart. In love, you allow yourself to relax your sense of separation, so that you become one with whomever or whatever you are contemplating. In naturism, we focus and contemplate with nature itself. There is no limit to the number of things or places you can love in nature. Anything that has something to do with the beautiful gifts of nature that surround you. Love is unity, openness to the point of oneness, ultimately with nature itself.

In the practice of Intimate Communion, the sex act itself (non-malicious masturbation) can become a spiritual union between a male naturist to his natural environment, a communication of the force of life and love, a passionate transmission of openness and ecstasy, and the only way to give back to nature the food from our own body. Whether sexual polarity is practiced or not, Intimate Communion is about relaxing more and more into perfect coincidence with love, surrendering our fears, inhibitions and resistances. To be freely open in the sight of other naturists in the circle, even in the midst of fear involves a moment-to-moment discipline of loving. To be free and loving is the ultimate discipline that liberates a male naturist mind from malice and inhibitions—and this is the practice of Intimate Communion in Nature.
In naturism we must bear in mind that non-malicious masturbation is not done to give way for a male's lustful urge to prove his virility but only as the means to push the biological engine to emit the only food that a human body can produce as an offering to nature. At this point, The man juice or semen when voluntarily produced and offered to mother nature is regarded as the milk of human kindness. It is ritual way of giving back.
(The next part will tackle non-malicious masturbation to conclude the chapter of One With Nature)
Featured Male Naturists: (Sons of Adam Group)
Chuck Allandale
Judd Anthony
this is going to be more exciting, choose us for the location. we have unexploited waterfalls here, looking forward for it! thanks for