Jason Edward
I never realized that naturism will change my perspective in nudity not just myself being seen naked by others but seeing other people naked around me. It set my mind free from malicious thoughts and it helped me to respect the differences and appreciate the flaw and beauty of one's naked truth.
James Daniel
Never have I experienced an absolute self-liberation until I have become a male naturist. I have met different yet beautiful people whom, despite differences commune as brothers in nature. We may have no internet nor mobile connection while in the islands, but I have found the greatest connection I've ever had with The Male Naturist Group Ph.
Appreciating the environment is a serious goal but this principle is often set aside because there are always obstacles in pushing that dream because of the ignorance and abuse of people who benefit from the natural resources where they dwell.
I want to start with myself a deep connection with nature every chance I have. Life is short and I want to embark in nature adventures in my barest form because they maybe here today but may not be there in the years to come.
Ever since I joined MNG, I started to learn new things not only to commune with nature but also discovering how to appreciate myself.. Physically morally and spiritually.. I've also met new and should say Friends that are true and don't want anything but welfare of one another.. I am and I will always be..a True blue Naturist.
Naturism is my haven of peace and freedom. Through naturism, I've found a new family in the face of MNG, who guided me to respect nature and bestow a responsibility to protect it in my own little way. I'm glad that through the synergistic efforts of the group, the ideals of naturism is gaining momentum and spreading in the hearts of the future naturists
Being part of this group made me appreciate nature even more. At first, I was kind' a hesitant shedding off my clothes in front of others but as I attended more nature events, it helped me appreciate myself even more than before; giving me confidence and comfort while nothing to hide before the eyes of other people.Self-respect and respect to others are the most important things I have learned from the group. Just enjoy every moment w/ the group. See you all in the next event!.